Whether you are a state lender, payday lender, or other short-term lending specialist, fast reliable customer service is a must. Just speaking English means faster transaction times. That leads to a response and a solution faster. Plus, local knowledge of the lending marketing operating processes is a big help.
For example, with time sensitive transactions like when you need to upload a large FTP file, with over 1000 transactions all at one time, if you have any issue, you need that taken care of same day, and ideally the same hour. At JJS Global, we can help with that. Call our office, get an immediate response from the team. Don’t get stuck on payday and let funds just sit in your account doing nothing for you.
All these reasons make for the best payment gateway in the USA. With a US based payment gateway and merchant processor, you can have confidence in the knowledge that transactions will get processed when they need to be, and a local team has your back for a fast, reliable response.
Do you qualify? If you need a high risk merchant account, or simply want to know if you can get a better deal with a US-based merchant processor, get pre-approved today!